Scientific studies


Throughout Europe and the United States there are clinics specializing in the use of floats for exclusively therapeutic purposes, with several Universities and scientific departments that have dedicated themselves to the investigation of this type of treatment called R.E.S.T. - Restricted Environment Stimulation Therapy.

These studies attributed fluctuation to credibility and notoriety in the scientific community, demonstrating the validity of flotation therapy as an alternative to drug consumption in cases as diverse as depression, anxiety, stress, sleep problems and chronic pain.

The University of Karlstad in Sweden, is one of the Universities that is most dedicated to the study of the benefits of flotation, having found results that revealed that patients who complained of chronic pain improved a lot, as well as other studies related to addictions such as smoking, eating disorders, alcohol and drugs in which positive changes in consumption habits were demonstrated.

A study by the University of California led by Alistar Wallbaum found that Flotation Therapy (REST) ​​combined with progressive muscle relaxation helps to combat chronic tension headache, muscle tension, anxiety disorders and chronic pain.

In the Department of Organizational Psychology at the Dutch universities in Amsterdam and Leiden, fluctuation is considered a useful tool in the management and control of stress.

Apresentamos de seguida alguns links de sites de artigos científicos relacionados com os benefícios da flutuação, bem como os principais tópicos dos benefícios destacados nos mesmos artigos:

➡️ “Floating Away”: A Ciência da Terapia de Deprivação Sensorial, in Discover Magazine (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: Deep relaxation of the muscles; Regulation and attenuation of blood pressure and hormone levels related to stress and anxiety; Attenuation of regular headache, insomnia and rheumatoid arthritis; Relief from intractable chronic pain.

➡️ A Presença ou Ausência de Luz Durante a Flutuação com Estimulação Sensorial Restrita: Efeitos na Produção de Cortisol, Pressão Arterial e Humor, in Springer (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: Improved sleep quality; Regulation of blood pressure.

➡️ Relaxamento Recorrendo à terapia REST e Dor Crónica, in Health and Clinical Psychology Magazine (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in reducing pain and chronic pain.

➡️ Potenciamento da Criatividade de Psicólogos Por Meio de Terapia REST, in Springer  (ler artigo)

➡️ Terapia REST por Flutuação e Imagética no Potenciamento da Performance Atlética, in German Floating Association (ler artigo)

➡️ Efeitos da Terapia REST e Imagética Visual na Performance Atlética: Ténis, in Springer  (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: General well-being of athletes; Improvement of physical performance.

➡️ Os Efeitos Pronunciados da Terapia REST por Flutuação na Recuperação de Exercícios de Contracção Muscular, in US National Library of Medicine  (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: Help in muscle recovery after exercise.

➡️ REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) como Tratamento para Crianças com Autismo, in Journal of Development & Behavioral Pedriatrics  (ler artigo)

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: Behavioral, cognitive and social improvements in children with autism.

➡️ Reabilitação através de Flutuação – REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy – Terapia de Restrição Sensorial), in Karlstad University

➡️ Efeitos da Terapia REST em Câmara e Terapia REST Através de Flutuação nos Efeitos do Humor, in Springer

➡️ A Experiência da Flutuação – REST: (Consciência, Criatividade, Stress Subjectivo e Dor), in DIVA – Academic Archive Online

➡️ Potenciamento da Criatividade Científica Por Meio da Terapia REST em Flutuação, in Science Direct

This article demonstrates the benefits found in terms of: Stimulation of creativity; Increased motivation, energy and general well-being.

Click here and see how float therapy influences brain function.

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